Do you have pets in your home? Do you have chicken and other pets that lay eggs? If you have problem in building home made incubators, now this kind of information will help you to build a home made incubator. There are easy way to built an home made incubator. The materials need is easy to prepare. Its depend in what kind of materials made, like wood, plastic, metal, cartoon, and Styrofoams. Some materials to be use are bulb as your heater or nichrome wire, small fun as your colling system. The size of the incubator is depend on how many egg that can you set and depend the time of collection of the hatching egg. It also consider the sanitation of the incubator and the egg itself, the room where the egg to be stay in a few days before it start to incubate is also be sanitize.
The materials in cartoon made incubator are the following:
- Empty cartoon with the heigth of 2 feet and lenght of 2 feet or it depend on the size of egg set.
- The incandescent bulb, it depend on the size of your cartoon. Try 25W to small one and 60W to big size cartoon.
- Wafer and normally on switch for serve as your heat sensor.
- Styrofoams for insulating materials, used Styrofoams as insulators paste the whole part inside the cartoon incubators. a half inch size Styrofoams are good for making insulation.
- Wire for installation of wafer, normally on switch, bulb, and fan.
- Tray for hatching egg.
- Water container, an open container a small one to serve as a humidifier of incubators.
All this material are easy to find and not expensive, easy to fixed. Let try your incubator pre-heated first before to set the egg in your incubator. Pre-heating, when the incubator reach the desire temperature of 99.5 degree Fahrenheit its indicate that the incubator is ready to incubate egg. But before you set the egg in incubator, calibrate first the machine. If the incubator reach 99.5 degree fahrenheit that's mean heater will shut off. The turn off and on of the switch of heater is depend in the distance of wafer into switch to pust the switch on turning off the heater. When the temperature of the incubators become low or less than 99.5 (less than 99.0 degree Fahrenheit) that's mean the heater will turn on. If not turn on the heater you can calibrate your wafer to move backward in a switch, the switch turning on and the heater will turning on. Controlling the humidity in incubator is one a big factor that will affect the hatchability. Some incubator are not controlling automatically and not monitor the humidity inside the incubator. If you want to monitor the humidity of the incubator you build you can buy some hygrometer and place the hygrometer inside the incubator. The desire humidity is depend of the ages of the breeder or chicken. You can monitor the humidity base on the hygrometer 84.0-86.0 degree Fahrenheit up to 18 days incubation, 19 days up to hatched 86.0-90.0 degree Fahrenhiet. If you don't have the automatic humidity controller you can monitor the humidity manually, you can add water if the humidity is Low and you can put out of water if the humidity is High. The one factor to be consider is the turning of the position egg, you can turn the position of the egg 45 degree left and rightevery hour. This will affect the good hatchability of the egg.
Do you want the automatic controller?
You want automatically control the Temperature and Humidity. automatic Turning ability of the machine, visite the
Plywood Home Made Incubators
The wood hatching egg incubator is one of the common materials used in incubator machine. The wood materials are easy to fixed and making design on what desire size of height and length. The wood incubator is very common to individual person that have a gamecock. Mostly they breed his gamecock in a backyard that’s why needing the incubator to hatch the egg. Some incubator are made in wood that used in business in accepting hatching egg to hatch and paid per egg set. It depends on the size to the thickness of the wood, thicker wood is better to be used, like ¾ inch or greater. Consider of course the insulation of the wood incubator that’s why thicker size is better because its have better insulation to minimize the excessive heat coming from environment where the incubator placed. Consider that the incubator place in a high temperature area, the tendency also will become high temp your machine if the insulation is not good and it will give poor hatchability of machine. Place your incubator in a cool place and not palace with high humidity. Consider that the place with high humidity it will affect also your hatchability. The important thing to be consider in making incubator is not only the design it also the place where to be placed, the temperature system (temperature sensor, and controller), humidity system (humidity sensor, and controller), turning system, and ventilation. Some hatching incubator made in wood if it is used in small scale hatching like 50pcs. Of egg set will not have a complete control system, sometimes it have only temperature controller and a water fan inside incubator for humidity.
- These are the materials in making wood incubators
- Plywood, any size you want thicker is much better
- Cut wood in your base on your design (in a few days I will post the sample of design).
- Wafer and normally close switch used for temperature controller.
- Used Styrofoam’s for your insulation.
- Used any open container to use as your water fan for your humidity.
Metal material egg incubators
The metal materials are common in industrial incubator, but mostly the metal is use only in frame of the machine incubator and they used wood also as the body of incubator. Using metal in home made incubator is also common in backyard of the person who has a gamecock. Some materials out in the market are made in metal or a combination of metal and wood or a combination of plastic and metal, or a combination of wood and plastic. Many manufacturer of incubators used metal for frame and also a body of the incubators. If you decide to build the incubator in metal materials is better to have a thick materials galvanized and a Styrofoam’s as a insulating materials.
These are the materials that can be used as the metal incubators.
- Galvanized metal plate, thicker is better.
- Styrofoam’s as your insulating materials.
- Metal bar for used as the frame of your incubator.
Some materials are to be added if needed in your desire design. Plan your design and make sure the size to be cut in metal is final to avoid wasting the materials. If you having difficulties in a desire design, look at your microwave oven. The design of microwave oven is like a metal incubator out in the market. Place your incubator in cool places and keep sanitized the machine and the hatching egg to avoid penetration of bacteria in machine and hatching egg.